Blue Skies and Yellow Fields – Ukraine Collection
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A show-stopping necklace of large carved, round and Lapis Lazuli rondelles from South America, combined with intricate antique beads from North Africa and recycled brass and sandglass beads from Ghana. Although elements from different continents and periods, the whole is remarkably harmonious and warm.
This is part of the benefit collection for Ukraine. As a Canadian of 50% Ukrainian descent, my heart, mind, and hands keep reaching for blue and yellow beads, the colors of the Ukrainian flag. The colors symbolize the blue sky above the yellow field of wheat, representing Ukraine and the Ukrainians as they are – freedom-loving, independent, brave, and vibrant. With its ancient history, the Ukrainian flag holds a significant place in the heart of the Ukrainian people and is a nation’s talisman through all times. We are absolutely in awe of the courage and determination of the Ukrainians and hope that they may soon be free again.
This is part of our Benefit Collection for Ukraine. 20% will go to, an NGO that works in war-torn countries, such as Ukraine.
Length: 16 inches
Weight:165 grams
Note: We can adjust the weight and the length and make matching earrings for $25
We use recycled and vintage materials for their artistic merits and lower environmental impact whenever possible. We also love supporting artisans in the developing world, keeping traditions and handicrafts alive and transferred from generation to generation, and helping to support their families.
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