Together we are Stronger


The showstopper is an ANTIQUE, intricate, and embossed Yemenite Bedouin pendant, most probably from  Sana’a, Yemen, and made by a master artisan (2″ in height and 3,25″ across).  The silver content is unknown.   The rainbow-colored recycled glass disks from Ghana make this piece a true show-stopper!  This is one of my favorite designs and I routinely do a version of it.  The rainbow is a symbol of inclusivity and diversity.


We use recycled and vintage materials for their artistic merits and lower environmental impact whenever possible.  We also love supporting artisans in the developing world, keeping traditions and handicrafts alive and transferred from generation to generation, and helping to support their families.

Necklace Length: 21″
Category: Sustainable/Vintage/Antique


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Together we are Stronger

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